Time is money. Should you the builder charge for producing the customer quote or should you provide it free of charge? This is a question often asked at Federation of Masterbuilder (FMB) panel events, and from our own EstimatorXpress software users.
Well there is no hard and fast rule. Some builders think this is very risky because it will put customers off before they’ve even got a foot in the door whilst others say they do charge because it sorts the wheat from the chaff client wise.
A free no obligation estimate is a popular message that is often seen on vans but I would say there is a big difference between an estimate and a detailed cost breakdown provided as a professional service.
Out of interest I checked what Citizens Advice says on the subject, from the customer perspective and they simply say ‘some contractors charge for quotes – ask about this first’.
Every builder is different and every project is too but I would say use your discretion and charge for a quote if you can tick off enough criteria.
I do need to plug our own software. The team is ready to talk through the quoting process using EstimatorXpress on 0117 916 7898. This award-winning estimating software is fed the latest material prices and doesn’t miss a single nail or brick in its calculations. You could argue that this level of detail, and a quote that looks very professional, has a value attached to it…?
Alternatively there’s our sister company HBXL Estimating Service which produces quotes for self-builders, builders, property developers and architects. And yes they do, of course, charge for the services of experienced, professional estimators using the same award-winning estimating software! You can call them on 0117 916 7894.
Camilla Wild